Real Life doesn't have spell check


I've been working steady today, getting things in order, trying to be less of a smarty (to the crankies). I find I need a rhythm, a beat, not to just walk to, but to type to, to read to, to function to - like my own personal soundtrack. In the movies, the characters seem to get so much done in so little time and all thanks to a good tune with a great beat.Today I'm in a smarty mood but my tasks have kept me typing, reading, searching. So I put in my earphone (just one so I can appear to be paying attention) and put on a playlist with a large selection of music from one particular artist. This artist and I have very little in common but I would have to say about 85% of their music is on heavy ipod rotation. Thoughtful lyrics, well marked melodies. If I had an office - four walls with a door, I would singing right along. I've found if I sing along in my cube, I get funny looks.

I typed, I tapped my toes, I tipped my coffee cup and copied copies all to a beat, a rhythm. iPod's should be issued at birth (random thought)

Thanks for todays soundtrack....

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