Real Life doesn't have spell check


busy busy busy busybusy bsusybsusybsusybsusys
stresed stresesed stresedd stressed stressed
You want what when? You have who where? Conference call canceled?
work wrok wrok work
Copier's Jammed? Printers Jammed? Grape Jammed?

Need coffee
Need relief

then i look at the picture on my computer desk top and all is good and squishy with the world...

Zach and Alex @ 6 months old


I'm sorry, what?

Today, 3 people all said the same thing to me: You should date and meet someone and make babies

I beg your pardon? I'm cool with just me.

My dear friend is marvoulously in love, so now she's after me to start dating
I said, Why is it not ok that I'm happy by myself, it that wrong?
She said, yes, you should be with someone, start dating
I should start DATING,
I thought,
all this time,
everyone has been telling me to start RATING,
which is why I'm so critical with I go out with men
He's a 2
He was 7
He's more of a 4.5 who thinks he's a 9.5, which really makes him a 3.87

Another dear friend, we'll call him Ceasar, whom I hold dear to my heart and gladly accept his wisdom, and I chatted about this just this evening.....
Ceasar : fuck people telling you to date
ever so eloquent
Ceasar : you know what happened to me today?
Ceasar : my mom
Ceasar : IMs me
Ceasar : she just got back form a massage
Ceasar : and thinks
Ceasar : hey, I should hook up my massuese (in NC) with Ceasar
Ceasar : so she gets the womans e-mail addy
Ceasar : and makes me promise to write her
SIEIRO : NO! that's me
Ceasar : WTF?
Ceasar : the woman is almost 40 and has 2 kids


Needle and Thread

There is something...
about summer
about sitting in the sun
about reading a book
about just thinking

being outside, letting the sun warm and toast your skin, reading a book meant for teenagers

I can't put my finger on it

Why does thought and wisdom come at the most generic of times
there is something about that
Maybe if i'd been out in the sun earlier, read that book sooner, i would have figured that out

As I told a good freind about 2 weeks...he was saying moments in life where coming to him late, I said no, they were coming just in time. I need to remember that for myself. I need to stitch that on a pillow =)

There is something so uncovering and relieving about sitting on my patio in my chair, under the sun with a book that is pretty astute for the ages of its protagonists... heroines of sorts, more than surviving, but living and letting themselve live and not be afraid.

Need to stitch that on a pillow too =)