Smokey, fuming, goin to hell
Ok short history to my shitty past two weeks
NOW - the going to hell part: I know ER is older and ill and lives not in reality - I know she is not all the way right and needed help. But she never ever said thank you to my mom. for anything. She would drive my mom batty with crazy requests and calls at all hours of the day. Mom would bring her groceries, help find her a really great home, helped fix her social security. She'd smoke around my mom and dad know they have asthma. Er would critises how Mom was helping. ER knew she was in the shit but still wanted to live the fabu life she had inteh 60's and 70's when she turned a mans head and had anything she wanted. An hour with ER would have my mother fuming. Mom would spend hours with ER at the doctor's or the tax mans office or where ever.
In the last two weeks I helped make arrangements for mom, run errands, help mom get christmas ready (she's not coming back until the 21st), buy want ER needs to travel, make phone calls. Dealt the with Airlines. The whole time my Dad, who is so quiet, informed me of the history of ER and our family, all of it. And Mom and Dad still helped her.
ER had left so many bridges smoking, my mom was the last soul here that would help. ER had lied so much, mistreated so many. She really had no left here who cared about her.
I am hoping and praying on the flight something occured to ER to just say thank you. for a moment to appreciate what my folks did out of love and familial resposibility. Just for a moment. AND that ER will leave my mom that PHAT gold Rolex she refused to sell.
Voila - Me - Hell bound - I'm an evil child =)
I remember ER from when I was younger: she was stunning, had anything she wanted. I have three memories of her all good. I told dad, despite the history, I have to remember those three good days with her. I feel every memory you have and the people around you have of you are noted in your "Book of you" up there in St. Peter's library. I just feel like i need to remember the good things about ER so they'll stay in her book.
Mom will be home soon =) - and she will be free of this weight. ER will be somewhere warmer, where the US $ goes really far and will absolutely not call my mom for stupid stuff anymore b/c the call is too expensive.
2 Thoughts Shared:
yep. your hellbound.
I'll save you a seat.
Old Man Rich, at 5:09 AM, December 13, 2005
eh... because you're glad to be rid of a leechy relative who uses and abuses your goodwill solely due to blood ties? i'd say that's an OK sentiment to have. and heck, the rolex would just be another way she could show the appreciation she has so far withheld :-D
Alice, at 11:47 AM, December 14, 2005
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