Real Life doesn't have spell check


Just swallow, honey...

I was listening to the tv while I was cleaning and a commercial for Cialis came on. I'm not really watching it but I recall from uber times before everyone in the advert is so happy and the music is so light.

The only part of the commerical I really hear is....

"The most common side effects with CIALIS were headache and upset stomach. Backache or muscle ache were also reported, sometimes with delayed onset. "

And I remember thinking...

"they should add the other side effect - may cause pregnancy"


"Damn that's heavy"

On or around my 30th birthday, I decided I would start to have more fun, be more adventurous, Let Maggi out of the closet.
It started with unloading a boyfriend who love to eat - thus I loved to eat (still do but I've learned my lesson, read on). The un loading was liberating. He did not want to join in on the New Adventures of Maggi.

30 - I got on my bike, rode for charity, made great friends, made friends, lost a little weight, went to Atlanta (I've never really traveled in the US)
31 - i got on my bike again, rode again, made great friends, made friends with someone i hated the year before, SAW GRACELAND!!! Rock on, eat catflish for breakfast,
32 - So, back on the bike, lost about 70 lbs, rode for another charity in the mountains of Lake Tahoe, bought a house (A condo really)
33 - bike, yadda, charity yadda - had some health issues that slowed me down, but there is always next year, Had breakfast with Phil Ligget and Bob Roll, had a beer with Floyd Landis, made an ass of myself in front of Levi Liphiemer (sp?), put a little weight back on.

So I'm still in year 33 - so far so good
Yes, I'm getting to my point.
So cycling has improved my life exponentially for this I thank you Da Vinci (but not for spawning that book, snore).

I ride my bike to work as gas (petrol) is $3 a gal ($1.26 a Liter or 1.03Eu/Liter), it's 12 to 13 miles round trip. It's a lovely ride. Friday last, I needed to take some things to the office. So my 3 lb bag was now about 25 lbs. I figured, "Hey, I lugged my fanny farther and with more weight, no problem"
In fact, I was really happy with how strong I was to carry so much weight on the bike. By the time I reached work, I was spent. I could not believe how tired I was. I roll my bicycle to my cubicle, and drop my bag with a thud. My boss arrived at the same time, was a little shocked at the thud. He picked up the bag, 'Damn That's HEAVY!"
I said, "Duh!"
That as only about 25 lbs, two years back I had more than twice that on my body. How did I not kill myself? How did I not die of a heart attack? How did I ride 300 miles with all that weight?

It was quite a little revelation and a little happy dance. This was a little nudge to remind me how far I've come =)


Quote of the week

While out and about with a pal last weekend, We toddled by Mom's for a quick fitting of my pal's wedding gown (it's soo beautiful! I'd show you but her Fiance reads the blog =)) I relayed the story of growing up with mean neighbor kids across the street and the joy of public records (in short, the Boy Who Could Do Know Wrong did so some wrong)
As we pulled up to Mom's, from the passenger seat I hear...

"People with split foyers should NOT be snobs" (I believe I am quoting her properly)

This is a testament to her disdane for this particular form of architecture, those who choose to reside in said piece of architecture, and her support in my dislike and flashbacks to catholic school days.

Now for those of you who live near by and know one Ms Soon-to-be-Married, know what a quiet, delightful, kind sweet woman Miss HB is. But if you could have heard the disdane, the pith, the loathing in her voice....
You'd have laughed your fanny off as much as I did =)


So let it be let it be done


Random Question: from blogger (see Profile)

Because 38% of men are color blind and back in 1937, right aroudn the time of the depression, Marvin Q Smuckers was farming what he thought were blueberrys, He and his family worked long and hard and made the best damn jam in the state of Kentucky. As he was the patriarc ofthe familyy, no one bothered to inform him of his mistake. It was much later in life, Mr. Smuckers discovered during an opthamological visit (he had something in his eye) his membership into the 38%. By this time, the Smuckers name was synonomous with all things fruit and jam. the end

never ever ever ever... so there

Little plaid skirt, Mary janes, wonder woman lunch box, glasses...
Ah catholic school - it was small, it was run by nuns, it was hell on earth for the only kid with glasses in Mrs. Sears Fourth Grade class.

At the beginning of the school year, Mrs. Sears made a very colorful large chart that shown brightly in the front of the class. It had book covers decorating this large pre-Excel spreadsheet. All of our names listed down the left most column, written with love and care in a semi legible calligraphy. The top row was numbered - 1 to 30.

This was our Book Report Chart.
"This year, class, we will read 30 Books each! Won't that be fun? Once a month we'll select some to be read aloud!" I remember sitting at my desk and doodling, "not fun, not fun, not fun" in my homework assignment pad, having already been traumatized by the Third Grade Caroling Incident (4 hour concert, lots of punch, nuns wouldn't let us leave the stage for anything - you do the math) the year before.

As Fall progressed into winter, little stars began to appear on the Chart - one for each report completed. Some where bigger than others - those were for the reports given in front of the class. As some classmates rows began to twinkle more than others, I continued to foster the apathy that drives my need to be the sarcastic goddess that I am ( I didn't know that at the time, but thanks for years of therapy i can recognize the triggers for the pattern). At that time, all I knew was I hated that school, I hated my class mates and I just wanted to get through the next 4 years. My world was so small, I hid in my little Margaret Shell. I would never talk back, I never fought back when I was teased.

Winter came like lion and visions of Christmas danced in my head. PRESENTS!! Mom's homemade breads!!! PRESENTS!!! yeah yeah, birth of jesus, beginning of Christianity, save our souls, yadda yadda.... PRESENTS!!! I was so looking forward to the two week Christmas break - no homework, no teachers, no Tim Deal gluing my ponytail to the back of my chair.
I had not a care in the world and the last day before break was going so well until....

"Before we head off, let's see how our books reports are shaping up."

After a quick round of accolades to the 3 people who already had their 30 reports in (suck up, brown nosed little catholic goodie goodies), Mrs. Sears turned to me. Her long thin-skinned arm rising, her boney index finger in pointed position and ready.

"Margaret, Margaret, Margaret, you only have in 7, you are behind everyone else, you're going to be last"

Something began to warm in my belly, warmer and warmer. It worked it's way up my chest to my neck. The temperature growing and building. I think this was the first time I ever felt fury. I'd never been so angry, so sad, so hated. I don't remember the rest of the day, I don't remember painting ornaments, singing carols, the last bell of the day.

I do remember coming home and desperately asking to go to the library. My mom (who is the coolest, cutiest little brasilian woman you'll ever know) obliged her daughter.
2 hours and 23 books later, I was home and on a mission.
I don't remember what I read
I don't remember what I wrote
I don't remember what I got for Christmas
I do remember trying champagne on New Years and hating it

I do remember, Jan 5, walking up to Mrs. Sears, 23 2-page hand written books reports in hand.
I remember saying very quietly "Here [putting the pile on her desk]. I'm done. I will never ever write a book report for you again, ever."
I didn't look her in the eye, I didn't look at her at all.
I went to my desk.
I didn't look at her for the rest of the year.
I didn't read or write for pleasure again until high school

16 years later, I saw Mrs. Sears at church. She remembered me. She came over and said hello. She told me my fourth grade class was the last year she did the book report chart. ever


Every Gal needs an Old Rich Man...

Inspired by a post and in responce to a comment on Old Man Rich's Blog....

"Sara said...
But WHY would the CIA not want us to know about the second moon?
Ohhh... ::rolls eyes::
Is that where they keep the weed?"

No, that is where they hide the aliens. See back in the Apollo era, while we were sending up men for "exploration", it was really a smoke screen for the CIA, NSA and FBI to send up Stealth like ships to move Area 51 to the secondary, "Ghost Moon". The primary function of this moon is for study and communication between ourselves and our "friends" from space. Neil was just a poster boy, it was Elvis who made the first real trek. He is currently Mission Specialist 3, right behind JFK and The Lindberg Baby (who is actually a very bitter man with only one testicle) I digress...SO in 1972, the completed the transfer of ships and bodies and personnel. Recently the shuttle issues are not due to mistakes or failing parts. It's the Andovian Mafia from Vertiran IIV. They're not happy about some deal involving Loch Ness (she's really a pricness of the vertirian royal family and she choose to hang here and meet boys) so they are sending us a Message to send her back or get her laid.and that's that =)


A picture worth a few words...

I found this photo on another blog - He's a really good photographer - go and see his work - I just love this picture. One of the comments he got was a woman describing what she could see in his photo.

This is what I saw:

I can see a date, an older man with a nice burgandy wool sweater, pressed with love slacks and cozy shoes. Across from him, a sweet woman, simple lilac dress, sweater over her shoulders, a nice light pair of flat sensible shoes. She touches up her lipstick and he tells the waitress "two coffees, her's will be decaf, and the strawberry pancakes to share" The Waitress says, "I know Mr. Stoven, just like last week" with a smile.
The waitress sees a couple that she knows has sat there every saturday for 46 years.
The woman sees a man who has missed a button on his sweater, again.
The man sees a woman, who has never aged, grows more beautiful everyday and he loves more every minute. He always lets her have the last strawberry.

the end


Got lost on the way to my mensa meeting


Today's Agenda

8 AM: get up
9 AM: call Hi and have pancakes
10 AM: not really sure, so we'll just go out and do whatever.
I forget sometimes that the best days are the days that you do nothing constructive at all - no plans, no agenda, no time crunches. I spent the day just hanging out with a Hi - we went to home depot (She helped me change out my thermostat - She's brilliant) then we lolly gagged around. I love days like this.
Reminds me that my salary, the value of my home, my car - those don't make me feel rich or successful.
These do =)

G-Money Poodle - i have no pictures of you, babe - hook a sista up =)
I have a photo of another pal, but I've been sworn to secrecy to take said photos to my grave.


Holy Super Asian Shirt Folding Batman!

Ok, I can't figure out how to get this video on my blog but just click here and watch

laundry may never be the same again



Per another blog, [Thanks Intra ;)] I've learned there is a desire, nay, a scientific need to populate North America with large land animals - Megafauna

"Megafauna are the large animals of any particular region or time. Generally a "large animal" is defined as one weighing over 100 pounds (45 kg), though the threshold may range from 10 pounds (5 kg) up to 1 ton (1 metric tonne). The term is also used as a shorthand way of referring to particular groups of large animals, most commonly ones that became extinct in geologically recent times."

Given this definition: isn't this continent already littered with Megafauna? Humans fit that bill from beginning to end. And look what we've done to the place - we're much higher on the food chain and we have these (see below) the opposable thumb or should I say...The UNOPPOSED THUMB!

"The term charismatic megafauna refers to animals that have great popular appeal."
That's us too - I find myself very appealing

Sidebar: I do not want to go camping and hear someone get up in the morning and say, "Oh shit, some elephant came through over night and took a crap on the extra tent"


Species: Humanous Dorkus Malorcus

Ok, so I'm about to go to bed, but I just have to check in with the Panda's. Normally they are sleeping when i get to watch. But tonight, Baby Boy panda is wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle. He was rooting around so Momma Panda sits up and nurses him. I am watching this LIVE on Panda Cam 2. Right now in Rock Creek Park is a little baby panda boy getting his grub-on. He is so funny, wiggle wiggle wiggle
You can hear his mother grunt back to his squeals. He just won't settle down and his mother is rooling to one side, then the other.
I can just hear "Honey, mommy is tired cut it out"
Boy Baby: But mmoooooooOOOoOooOoom come on, I want to snack and play.

WOW never in my life would I think this is cool, but it's pretty wicked

Sidebar: my dad helped build that habitat they're in - He's a retired master stone mason

Wee ones

So, if you have not noticed I love babies and kids. They have the best expressions and reactions, the most real ones, you know. And they are so tiny and squishy and cutie cutersons....[begin nausea here] This isn't just human babies, tiny little leopards or puppies or elephants - man, they are so cute!
I have officially been sucked in to the Panda Watch Propaganda that has erupted a the National Zoo. Come on, you can not deny the sweet wittle pwecious punom of a wee little panda, can you?

It's killing me how cute this little critter is.
I may be sick to my stomach later due to the violent amounts of adorableness. Seriously


Good to start young

I love music - I love musicals, bands of many many sorts from many many countries. I believe in the power of music to lift us, to remind us, to make us think, to heal us. I love exposing kids to all kinds of music! I found this today =) Rock on little one...

"Rock on : One-day-old baby Tomas listens to music as a part of an experimental program that uses musical therapy to stimulate communication, adaptation and ease the stress after birth at the first private hospital in eastern Slovakia." (AFP/Joe Klamar)



To know him is to love him and to love him is to sometimes want to punch him in the nads. If my buddy KSS decided to have children, I don't think he'd be going to Buy Buy Baby to properly outfit his offspring. After seeing this photo, I need to ask him if he's been in the Myrtle beach area about 18 months ago.... this is uncanny.....


The smell of chlorine...

Do you remember being 5 or 6 years old, summer days spent at the pool? Jumping in, not running on the deck, doing tricks in the water and yelling "MOM! LOOKIT! MOM! LOOKIT WHAT I CAN DO! DID YOU SEE MY TRICK?"
Well, I was pleasantly pleased with myself that after all these years, I can still do one of my pool tricks. Granted it wasn't my mom at the pool taking pictures, (It was Ward's Mom) She fulfilled the role very well, with camera in hand....


40 Crabby Years

My parents hit a milestone that I'm highly impressed with - 40 years of marriage.
We had a little shindig on sunday to celebrate - I made a cake! it was great to sit and eat crabs and talk and relax...enjoy the photos =)

Mom, Dad, Becky and Rob (behind Becky)

Crabby Jose

yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmm crabbies

Clevie enjoying the sun..

Gerber doesn't Maryland Blue Crab Puree, so I guess these crabbies will have to wait a little longer....
Alex and Zach


new lenses

there is a vision, my vision
I can see the end result, but as I look for the path, I'm myopic
It's frustrating
I have Baccarat moments, so fine and so clear, moments
I don't notice the time around me, only who's around me, what's around me
Smiles, laughs, good one liners, stories, histories
I love those moments that I forget the stresses, like a movie going past, i sit back and i'm home.

I can't live on those moments, they don't pay the mortgage
But they remind me, as I pay the mortgage, the electric bill and try to put away something in saving, to relax, life will have it's stresses. Remember the moments of shear joy in your life, they feed us, nourish us, remind us we are part of more.

I need to get a new pair of glasses that will not only enable me to be a better driver (one can only hope) and will refocus some of the light, help clear the foggy to the path I should follow.